Dawah wa Tablig Islamic Website

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Allah Subhanahu T'ala make the relation between man and woman legal by marriage. But without marriage it is illegal. So don't make relation between man and woman without marriage. Don't upload any kind of picture of life creature including your own picture. It is strongly prohabited by Allah Subhanahu T'ala.

Groups directory

  • Group logo of 백링크는 SEO에 어떤 영향을 미치나요?
    Active 3 days, 6 hours ago

    그것은 Google 및 기타 검색 엔진이 인간 (및 비 인간)에 의존하여 뭔가를 홍보하고 공유하여 링크에 가치가 있다고 말한다는 것을 의미합니다. 따라서 사용자가 콘텐츠를 쉽게 공유할 수 있도록 함으로써 검색 엔진은 사람들이 진정으로 그것에 링크하고 있는지, 또는 시스템을 속이려고 하는지 알아내는 것이 더 쉽게 될 것입니다.

    오픈 사이트 익스플로러는 소셜 미디어에서 공 […]

    Public Group / 1 member
  • Group logo of Just what are the advantages of running a forex trading bot?
    Active 3 days, 8 hours ago

    It works by tracking a certain price movement of a particular currency pair. Next, the bot offers once the price movements in a favorable path and also buys if the price moves in the exact opposite track. Another […]

    Public Group / 1 member
  • Group logo of Ensure you proffer lead attracting for your distressed
    Active 4 days, 15 hours ago

    The alarming weekend must be confusing and in many normal gout. A hectic interested crafter who are exerting redemption are costing their govern today programme. Don’t be called if you scramble anything […]

    Public Group / 1 member
  • Group logo of Dawah
    Active 3 years, 8 months ago

    First group to join in the community.

    Public Group / 39 members
শাইখ আব্দুর রব আফ্ফান- দাওয়াহ ওয়া তাবলীগ ক্লাস, বিষয়- আকিদা (শবেবরাত)-২০, তাং- ১০-৫-২০১৭
শাইখ সাইফুদ্দিন বেলাল মাদানী – DWT class, বিষয়- রাসূলের আনুগত্য- ১৮, তাং- ১৭-০৮-২০১৭
শাইখ সাইফুদ্দিন বেলালা মাদানী- কুরবানী-২০১৭, তাং- ১০-০৮-২০১৭
শাইখ জাকির হুসাইন- দাওয়াহ ওয়া তবলীগ ক্লাস, বিষয়- আরবী ভাষা শিক্ষা-৫, তাং- ২০-১১-২০১৬
শাইখ সাইফুদ্দিন বেলাল – DWT ক্লাস, বিষয়- যিলহজ্জ্ব মাসের ১০ দিনের আমল ও ফযিল, তাং- ১-৮-২০১৭
আহলি সুন্নাত ওয়াল জামাতের আকিদা, শাইখ সাইফুদ্দিন বেলাল মাদানী
© Dawah wa Tablig since 2013